Study Questions for Fences from U. of Indianapolis
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  1. What is the symbolic role of fences in this play?
  2. One of the motifs that links this play to many of the plays we've read this semester is the notion of the cyclical pattern of family, that is, the idea that the sins and virtues of one generation are played out again in the next. How powerful is this pattern, and is there any real hope to break free of it?
  3. What is significant about the occupations or situations of the members of Troy's family in the final scene of the play?
  4. To what extent is Troy wrong about how American society has changed during his lifetime? To what extent is he right?
  5. How important is baseball as an element of Troy's past? (Check the links for some sites about the Negro Leagues.)
  6. Troy talks a great deal about the important of independence and self-reliance, but he is also a user and manipulator of others. Does this make him a liar? self-deceptive? something else?