Drama Topics and
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A Raisin in the Sun
Study questions and possible paper starters.
The Crucible
Links to University of Pennsylvania's website on HUAC, McCarthyism, the Hollywood Blacklist, other stuff from the 1950's.
Link to Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks' Crucible website for high school students.
A Streetcar Named Desire
A website giving the true history of the actual Desire Streetcar!
A fair but not thrilling commentary on a 1997 production of Streetcar in San Francisco.
More commentary, this time on the movie Related info on Williams, Jessica Tandy, characters, production, etc.
Out of Class Essays To extra credit page...
Link to bio of August Wilson
Study questions from Professor Bill Hynes of U. of Indianapolis
Bios of Josh Gibson, Satchel Paige, and Jackie Robinson.
Maslow links that cover and expand on
class material:
Hierarchy of Needs
and Others on Existentialiam
Waiting for Godot (read AFTER discussion in class, please)
Link to essay on Godot as a reflection of society.
Link to essay on Godot as commentary on the unknown purpose of life.
Link to essay on rope imagery in Godot.
Link to Beckett biography and other Beckett links.
Link to essay entitled "From Beckett to Stoppard: Existentialism, Death, and Absurdity"
Link to the webpage of the Samuel Beckett society (yes, it exists)
Link to the Nobel Foundation's (Beckett won the Nobel Prize in 1969) page on Beckett.
Postmodernism: what is it? This link tries to help.
Theatre of the Absurd: brief definition from UNC.
Reviews of Godot: Boston Globe (Beckett's 1989 obituary), NY Times (1956)
M. Butterfly
Link to interview with David Henry Hwang.
Transcript of a lecture DHH gave at M.I.T.
Complete text of "Brecht, Feminism, and Chinese Theatre"
Link to Asian Law Journal "Invention, Inversion and Intervention: The Oriental Woman..."
The Member of the Wedding
Link to The Carson McCullers Project, containing blurbs about the book and the movie, biographical info.
Link to The Carson McCullers Society, an organization that takes itself very seriously but has surprisingly little information.
Evaluations: Link to assignment explanation