A Raisin in the Sun Questions
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1.  How does Beneatha evolve throughout the play? Is she stronger or weaker by the end? Is she going to Africa? Is she continuing her education? Why or why not?

2. Is Walter a sympathetic character, deprived of his manhood by his family, race, and social status...or is he an incompetent misogynist?

3.  According to the Washington Post, A Raisin in the Sun is "one of a handful of great American plays." Do you agree? Why or why not?

4. What makes this play uniquely African-American, according to Robert Nemiroff's introduction? Do you agree/disagree?

5. Discuss the importance of any of the minor characters.

6. Analyze the different attitude each family member has toward the insurance money.

7. What is each character's dream? Which dreams are fulfilled by the end of the play?

8. Where do you see tensions between ideas of masculinity and femininity, between a "man's role" and a "women's prerogative"?

9. How is Travis a catalyst for the action of the play?

10. How and when is Big Walter (Beneatha and Walter's father) present in this play, even though he is dead?

11.Track the evolution of one character, or of a relationship between two characters.

12. After reviewing the link to Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, where do you see the family's needs? Track one character through the play. How does that person ask for his or her needs to be met? Is this a helpful lens through which to analyze the play? Why or why not?

13. What's the connection between this play and Hamlet? What similarities do you see in plot, character, motivation, theme?

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